Join Us for our Annual "Luck of the Irish" Celebrity Server FUNdraiser March 13, 2025!
Celebrity Server is our most popular signature event and largest fundraiser of the year! Don't miss the fun - register now to join us in Sham-rocking the house! Our "Luck of the Irish" St. Paddy's Day-themed event attracts over 500 people, all in one room at one time; all for a great cause, enticing eats, and hilarious fun and games! Not to mention our Celebrity Servers' unmatched and often comical skills, who will work hard to earn generous guest tips to benefit Lake County families, children, and seniors in need.
Date: Thursday, March 13, 2025
Time: 11:30 am - 1:30 pm
Location: American Croatian Lodge, 34900 Lakeshore Blvd, Eastlake
- Lunch!
- Cash Bar!
- Table O'Sweets!
- 50/50 Raffle!
- Big Fun and Games with Amazing Prizes!
- Fabulous Raffle Baskets & More!
Patron Saints of Shenanigans: MC Ryan Gilkerson and DJ Jeremy Verdi
Click here for a copy of the event flyer.
Available Sponsorships: Help Support our Community through Sponsorship of our Signature Event! Click here now for sponsorship opportunities.
Registration Fee:
- $45/person
- $450/Table of 10 (Includes a Seat for your Celebrity Server)
For tax-deductible information, email zsiebert@uwlc.org.
Interested in Becoming a Celebrity Server? Reach out to Stephanie Devers at 440.639.1236 or sdevers@uwlc.org
Take a Look at How Prize Donations Impact our Community.
Interested in Donating a Prize or Have Sponsorship Questions? Reach out to Jen Smyser at 440.639.1286 or jsmyser@uwlc.org.
Learn about our Sip & Support Wine Tasting on February 27th, where we will be collecting donations of Wine & Beer for this event!